Ministries |
What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. |
There are numerous ways individuals can become involved in church ministries and functions. The following are various ministry opportunities at the Cornerstone Church. Everyone is encouraged to participate in as many as their time and interest allows. If you feel led to start a new ministry contact Pastor Jerry.
AcolytesIt is a tradition for acolytes to participate in the worship service by lighting and extinguishing the altar candles and ringing the church bell to call the congregation to worship. We especially encourage our youth to participate in this experience.
Community EventsYou are invited to join us as we participate and have fun in numerous community events throughout the year. Past ministry opportunities have included the Steuben County Expo, Hamilton Town-Wide Garage Sale, Annual Bake Sale, Hamilton 4th of July Parade, Veterans Day, Fall Fest and Hamilton's Old Time Christmas Parade.
Greeters & UshersRegardless if we are a long time member, first time visitor or even what frame of mind we are in when we come to worship, Cornerstone Church Greeters remind us all welcome in God's House and part of God's family. Just as important are our Ushers. They help those who need assistance, collect the offering and pass the microphone during Joys and Concerns.
Sound TechSound techs are responsible for the audio/visual presentations during all worship services, weddings and funerals. Various responsibilities include running the sound board, computer, overhead projector, microphones and stereo equipment. If you would like to be part of this ministry contact the pastor.
Sunday SchoolThe Cornerstone Church offers Sunday schools each Sunday morning to help individuals nurture their faith, build Christian community and prepare people of all ages for ministry in daily life. This is accomplished by faith-sharing, Bible study, prayer, theological discussion and reflection. All are encouraged to attend. Simply show up and participate.
Wannabee'sThe Wannabee's are a group of Christians from many different churches, denominations and geographic locations. Therefore, they do not have set times or places to meet. If you are interested in becoming involved in their mission trips to Jamaica or the local mission work they accomplish contact Sharon Haver through the church office.
Worship LeaderWorship Leaders assist the pastor each Sunday by reading announcements, helping with Holy Communion, praying over tithes and offerings and reading Scripture. They are also responsible for conducting the worship service should the pastor be unavailable. If this sounds like a ministry you would be interested in, contact the church office.